Entrepreneurship at and with the University of Innsbruck
The University of Innsbruck offers its researchers and students a wide range of opportunities and offers to develop and implement their skills in the field of entrepreneurship. The offer includes its own interdisciplinary lectures on entrepreneurship for Bachelor's / Master's and PhD students of the Department of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, workshops for post-docs or the InnCubator startup program and much more. Students, researchers and employees therefore have many opportunities to receive advice and training in this area. The university itself is involved in start-ups through the university holding company. University staff also advise external innovators and founders in cooperation with various Tyrolean institutions.
The InnCubator was opened in 2016 and has established its position as a startup program in the entrepreneurial ecosystem over the past few years. We support start-ups from the idea phase through to the prototype or market entry.
In the future, we also want to act as a hub within the Tyrolean innovation ecosystem. The aim is to promote innovation and innovation culture at the location and to impart skills in innovation management and business model development.
With us, each participant receives an individualized offer by interacting with other participating user groups, gaining new perspectives and actively providing feedback. In combination with events on the topic of innovation and entrepreneurship and the WIFI co-working space, we create a networked and strong ecosystem.
Further selection of topics and services related to entrepreneurship at the University of Innsbruck
- Start-up consulting / Uni Holding
We offer university company founders support and guidance in the form of individual advice and company participation. https://www.uibk.ac.at/de/transferstelle/gruendungsberatung/
- Advice on intellectual property
Our projekt.service.büro offers university members advice and support on intellectual property issues. https://www.uibk.ac.at/projektservice/kontakt/ipr.html.de
- Work area for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Our work area for Innovation & Entrepreneurship is based on an endowed professorship of the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce and was founded in 2012. The focus is on education and research on the topics of innovation management, in particular open innovation and co-creation as well as entrepreneurship. https://www.uibk.ac.at/smt/innovation-entrepreneurship/
- RESI (Researchers with Enterpreneurial Spirit Innsbruck)
The Postdoc Society supports researchers to strengthen their entrepreneurial mindset and thus complement their careers both inside and outside academia. RESI is part of the postdocs2innovators network, consisting of five leading European universities and three global companies, which aims to improve the career options of postdocs in the long term. https://resi-network.at/ and https://www.p2i-network.eu/
- 1669 – prototype funding
Our 1669 support group provides start-up funding of €15,000 for selected research projects for the development and further development of prototypes. https://www.uibk.ac.at/ffq/forschungsfoerderung/2018/prototypen/ausschreibung.html
- Skinnovation
Skinnovation is a unique start-up conference on skis. More than 300 start-ups, investors and innovative companies meet for 2.5 days to ski together, take part in discussions in ski huts and network. https://skinnovation.io/
- FFG Spin-off Fellowship
The Spin-off Fellowship is a funding program of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). As part of this program, researchers and students with innovative ideas and entrepreneurial spirit are supported with up to €500,000 to develop their ideas into spin-offs. https://www.ffg.at/spin-off-fellowships
- Startup.Tirol
With various programs, experts and mentors, Startup.Tirol supports and accompanies people with innovative ideas on their way from the initial idea to their own company and on to market entry or investment maturity. https://www.startup.tirol/
- Startup. Tirol entrepreneurship & empowerment workshops for women
There are plenty of women who have innovative business ideas, but only a few who actually turn them into reality. In our Entrepreneurship & Empowerment Workshops for Women, we support women to strengthen their personality, professionalize their communication skills and concretize their business idea. https://www.startup.tirol/empowerment/
Contact person:
Robert Schimpf
Leitung InnCubator
Robert Schimpf is head of the InnCubator, the Entrepreneurship Center of the University of Innsbruck and the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce. Together with the InnCubator team, Robert designed and set up the InnCubator. His tasks include teaching entrepreneurship and innovation management basics as well as the daily support of start-ups. As an interface between the university, the Chamber of Commerce and the start-ups, he facilitates access to expert knowledge and the innovation network. As part of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship research group at the University of Innsbruck, his research focuses on open innovation, crowd-sourcing, co-creation and online communities. User behavior in particular, but also use cases in the area of future scenarios for regions and entrepreneurial ecosystems are of great interest.