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Our community

As a cross-university entrepreneurship network, many universities and universities of applied sciences work together in the ECN. We also maintain contacts with numerous other organizations and initiatives in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. You can find out how they can support you in implementing your project here.

accent Inkubator GmbH

accent is the Tough Tech Incubator of the state of Lower Austria. The aim of accent is to create a basis for highly innovative start-ups in Lower Austria and to provide them with the best possible support.


AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is Austria's largest Research and Technology Organization (RTO), employing about 1,400 people mostly based at the main facilities Vienna Giefinggasse, Seibersdorf, Wiener Neustadt, Ranshofen, and Graz.



The Austrian incubation network supporting innovative start-ups


Austrian Startups

AustrianStartups is Austria's largest startup platform and think tank for innovative entrepreneurship.



brutkasten is the leading German-language medium for innovation and start-ups. With three online and print magazines, innovative video formats, live streaming & digital events, we create a stage for technologies & projects of the future. Click here if you are interested in news and insights on innovations & future technologies.


build! Gründerzentrum

The build! Gründerzentrum is a competence, support and development center for innovative, technology-oriented start-ups in Carinthia. As an incubator, the team offers consulting services on all aspects of start-up projects, infrastructure and a broad network of mentors, industry partners and investors.



New company for Austria's economy



When it comes to research and innovation funding, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG is the first port of call in Austria. As a one-stop store for business-related research, it supports young companies in the development, implementation and market launch of their ideas.


Founders STP

We represent the interests of start-ups in the capital region of Lower Austria and design and coordinate initiatives and support measures at the location for the entire start-up ecosystem.


Green Tech Cluster

Through active match-making and knowledge transfer, the Green Tech Cluster drives the development of green innovations in Green Tech Valley, the #1 technology hotspot for climate protection and the circular economy. The cluster is your access to 800 business and export contacts and also offers the largest network of green start-ups in Austria.


Ideentriebwerk Graz

We have been promoting and shaping the Styrian startup scene as a voluntary association since 2012. With a great deal of commitment, we offer startups a stage and pass on know-how about founding and beyond. With our events, we have established ourselves as a fixture of the scene and network all areas of the startup ecosystem in and around Graz.



INiTS is Vienna's high-tech incubator and has established itself as one of the best academic incubators worldwide since its foundation in 2002. With the SCALEup incubation program, the START:IP technology marketplace and STARTKapital of up to € 100,000, INiTS focuses on innovative research- and technology-intensive start-ups.



INNOVATE supports small and medium-sized businesses and companies in the agriculture, timber, forestry and energy sectors in exploiting their full digital potential. Together we bring digitalization to the ground!



aaia & AVCO becomes invest.austria. With over 350 members, invest.austria is the leading network for investors in the pre-IPO capital market in Austria. invest.austria is the central point of contact for all questions relating to: Angel Investing, Venture Capital and Private Equity.


ÖAW - Austrian Academy of Sciences

The Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) is Austria’s largest non-university research and science institution. Its statutory mission is to “promote science in every way”.


Rudolf Sallinger Fonds

The Rudolf Sallinger Fund serves as a bridge between business and science. To date, it has honored more than 400 academics for their outstanding scientific achievements on issues relevant to SMEs; in recent years, the S&B Award has been presented for early-stage commercialization ideas.


SciencePark Graz

The mission of Science Park Graz is to support visionary start-ups with highly innovative business ideas in the early phase of their start-up projects and to accompany them on their way to international success.


sic! - students' innovation centre

The [sic!] is the first student think tank and implementation center for ecological-social projects, initiatives and companies in Vienna.


Social Business Hub Styria – full support for world saviors

The Social Business Hub Styria is a social & green business incubator and the Styrian competence center for social entrepreneurship. Under the leadership of the dedicated management team Kirsten Tangemann and Rüdiger Wetzl-Piewald, social and ecological innovations are developed, specifically promoted and sustainably supported.


Social Impact Award

Since 2009, the Social Impact Award (SIA) has supported committed young people in transforming their innovative drive into concrete projects, initiatives and social enterprises with systemic impact.


Spin-off Austria

The Spin-off-Austria initiative supports the third mission in Austria with the annual Spin-Off-Austria conference, the Spin-Off-Austria dashboard and a combination of training, networking and lobbying activities.


Startup Salzburg

Startup Salzburg has been supporting innovative founders on their path to success since 2016. Four partners form a strong network for this purpose: Innovation Salzburg, Salzburg Chamber of Commerce, FHStartup Center and PLUS Career & Startup Center. The joint initiative is funded by the state of Salzburg.



Being organized is half the battle - that's the motto of Studo, the company behind Austria's most widely used student app. Studo combines all your studies in one app. Thanks to the calendar 📅, emails 📧, grades 🏆, chat 💬 and more, students are always informed about everything that is happening in their studies and around the university campus.


tech2b Inkubator GmbH

tech2b - the incubator supports innovative high-tech, medtech and hardware start-ups from the early phase through to market entry - objectively, with commitment and experience.


tecnet equity

tecnet equity turns your ideas and research results into commercial success.


Trending Topics

Trending Topics is one of the leading innovation portals in the German-speaking world. We report comprehensively, quickly and qualitatively on start-ups, crypto, sustainability, mobility and all other topics that are important for the domestic and international innovation landscape.


Wirtschaftsagentur Wien

The Vienna Business Agency is the first point of contact for companies.


WKO Startup Services

Startup services from the Chamber of Commerce: Working together with the community to create a genuine startup ecosystem.