Julie Rosser
PreGenerate GmbH
Gründungsdatum - Seit wann arbeitest du an deiner Idee?
November 2019
Gründungsauslöser: Wie bist du auf die Idee gekommen?
During my clinical work with horses, I noticed that the technology from my PhD research gave some indications which horse might respond to which arthritis injection, and the idea behind PreGenerate was born.
Gründungsmoment: Wodurch wusstest du, dass du deine Idee verwirklichen möchtest?
We actually didn't know until we were already doing it. While looking for funding, the idea of starting up began to take hold, and it was a leap of faith at first. We were lucky, and a little surprised, at how much we loved startup life within the first few months!
Elevator Pitch deines Projekts:
PreGenerate tests your cells on our simple, scalable device to analyse which arthritis genes are turned up or down by different treatments in order to guide your doctor in personalising your treatment plan.
Elevator Pitch über dich selbst:
I am a surgeon for horses by training, and I moved here from the USA to work as a senior surgeon at Vetmeduni Vienna alongside my PhD studies in arthritis. I love adventure, music, travel, hikes with my dog Canyon, and great stories.
Wie viele sind im Gründerteam und wie habt ihr zusammengefunden?
Originally we were two, although we didn't know at the time that we would become co-founders! We had worked together on projects at TU Vienna, and since then we've grown to five team members largely by leveraging our local networks through the universities.
Vetmeduni Vienna and TU Vienna
Wie hat dich deine Hochschule beim Thema Gründen & Entrepreneurship unterstützt?
Our universities remain integral parts of our support network, from helping us apply for a patent to writing funding applications and raising awareness of our company. We have been fortunate to work with and learn from our university colleagues.
Do's: Was würdest du jedem Gründer empfehlen, bzw. was würdest du noch einmal machen?
Ask questions! When you genuinely ask for help or advice, you meet the MOST amazing people and it can change your whole perspective. Suddenly, things that seemed like fantasy become really possible, and you learn new ways to innovate throughout the journey.
Don`ts: Was würdest du anders machen? Was war dein größtes Learning?
Let distractions derail your vision. Shiny things come along all the time, and we have to sit back and really think, does this serve our vision and mission? Does this bring our product closer to users? Does this really improve our product?
How to start? - Was würdest du jedem Gründungsinteressierten empfehlen?
Just start. When you're building something totally new, you can only learn what works by jumping in and getting started.