Entrepreneurship-Veranstaltungen aus unserem Netzwerk: Da ist auch was für dich dabei.
Founders Advice #226
Du willst Feedback zu deiner Idee? Hilfe bei deiner Konzeptentwicklung? Tipps beim Start deines Unternehmens? Dann bist du hier richtig!
CLP x SIA Kick-Off: Fail Forward - Overcoming Startup Challenges
Impact Hub Vienna, Lindengasse 56/18-19, 1070 Vienna
We are excited to announce our next event to kick off the SIA year! Together with ClimateLaunchpad, we are organising “Fail Forward: Overcoming Startup Challenges”. We will host SIA and Thinkubator Alumni that share about their mistakes, stories and valuable advice moving forward.
Founders Advice #227
Du willst Feedback zu deiner Idee? Hilfe bei deiner Konzeptentwicklung? Tipps beim Start deines Unternehmens? Dann bist du hier richtig!
Joint Forces #51 - hosted by BOKU:BASE
BOKU University, Ilse-Wallentin-Haus (ILWA), SR 29 Peter-Jordan-Straße 82 – 1190 Wien
Joint Forces is an event by BOKU, TU, WU and Uni Wien that brings together the entrepreneurial spirit of all four universities.
Entrepreneurship Avenue 2025 - Kick Off
TU Wien - Kuppelsaal Karlsplatz, 13 1040 Wien
Join Europe’s largest student-focused entrepreneurial event series!
FH Gründer:innen-Nacht
Wohlmutstraße 22, 1020 Wien
Afterwork | Vorträge | Networking
Entrepreneurs Talk
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Learning Center (LC), Festsaal 2 Welthandelsplatz 1 1020 Wien
Take the opportunity to meet founders in an informal setting! Get to know them personally and meet like-minded people!
Joint Forces #52 hosted by univie - ViennaUP Edition
Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien
Joint Forces is an event by BOKU, TU, WU and Uni Wien that brings together the entrepreneurial spirit of all four universities.